Showing All scam types stats for 2023

Note: This scam type has been removed. Historical data is still available.

Note: This scam type was added in April 2018. No data is available before this date.

Amount lost


Number of reports


Reports with financial losses


Amount lost and number of reports

Top 10 scams by amount lost

Top 10 scams by reports

Delivery method

Age group

Gender - amount lost

Gender - number of reports


This data is based on reports provided to the ACCC by web form and over the phone.

The data is published on a monthly basis. Our quality assurance processes may mean the data changes from time to time.

Some upper level categories include scam reports classified under ‘Other’ or reports without a lower level classification due to insufficient detail provided. Consequently, upper level data is not an aggregation of lower level scam categories.

Note: Due to a technical error, some scam reports from previous months are included in July 2016 causing an increase in reports for some categories. This error has been fixed for future months.