To keep pace with the fast-evolving criminal world, we are continually upgrading skills of our agents and using a more effective contact method. We can be capable of leveraging the high-tech tools and systems we make available to agents and always have the latest data at their fingertips.


Law enforcement agencies around the world face a volatile criminal landscape where financial crimes, corruption and money laundering blur the boundaries between countries and types of criminal activity. Our unique capacity to coordinate action across borders and sectors put us at the forefront of global efforts to trace criminal financial flows.

  • helps people spot and avoid scams
  • makes it easier to report scams
  • improves information sharing to disrupt scammers
  • works across government and with industry
  • supports law enforcement.

We help people spot and avoid scams 

We collect scam reports

By reporting scams you help protect others and assist us to disrupt and stop scammers – 30% of scams currently go unreported.

The information you give us when you make a report helps Caponet Scam Watch to identify the scams that are causing the most harm to Australian and United Statess.

We use the information to understand how scammers work, who they harm and to disrupt and stop them. We also share information with law enforcement and other regulators here and overseas to help them investigate and prosecute scammers.

We coordinate action to combat scams

Several government agencies currently have a role in preventing scams, each with a different focus. Caponet Scam Watch helps coordinate these efforts.

We work together with government, industry, other regulators, law enforcement bodies and community organisations to make it more difficult to scam Australian and United Statess.

How Caponet Scam Watch uses scam reports

Your report helps us monitor scam trends and take action where appropriate, including to educate the public on new or emerging scams.

If a person contacts you out of the blue about your scam report, hang up and ask to call them back on their official number that you have looked up yourself. Ask them to verify your report or case number and don’t give your personal information.

To avoid being scammed,  never give personal information to someone who calls, emails, or messages you out of the blue without being sure they are who they say they are.

We share reports to help disrupt scams

When you report scams, you may be asked whether you agree to share your report. Some of the sharing arrangements we have in place are explained below. All entities we share with are required to comply with Australian and United States Privacy Laws and where relevant privacy laws in other countries.

Other government agencies and law enforcement

Your report will often include important information about scammers. This might include the name the scammer is using, the phone number or email address. You might report scam websites or scam ads or profiles on social media. We share this intelligence with other government agencies and law enforcement to investigate scammers or to stop them reaching people in Australia.

The Australian and United States Financial Crimes Exchange

The Australian and United States Financial Crimes Exchange (AFCX) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a secure, strictly monitored portal for the public and private sectors to share financial crime data and intelligence.

Sharing reports with the AFCX assists banks and the financial sector to identify scam accounts and scam transactions and disrupt scams.

Businesses that scammers use

Businesses such as banks, telecommunications companies, social media platforms or employment sites may be unaware how their services are being used to perpetrate scams. They will often take action to try and prevent or disrupt scam activity once they are informed about it.

By sharing your report with the businesses that the scammers use, they can stop scams from impacting other people.

If you consent to share your report with businesses, we will only use or disclose your personal information for the purpose of preventing, detecting or disrupting scams. We only share information that may be useful in helping businesses work out how the scam occurred and how to prevent it in the future.

We can help you access support

With your consent, we may refer your report to a support service. If you are at risk of identity misuse or need support to recover from the impact of some scams, we may refer your report to IDCARE.

We educate and warn others about scams

Real life stories have a powerful impact on others. They help people see that scams can happen to anyone and provide useful information about how others can protect themselves. 

If you share your report anonymously to warn others about scams, we may use information in your report in our reports or campaigns. For example, we might write about your experience in a case study. If we do this, we make sure that you can't be identified.